"We have been born, as Nephi of old, To goodly parents who love the Lord. We have been taught, and we understand, That we must do as the Lord commands."
The Lord commanded that this work will go forth and cover the earth at a faster pace then ever before. It is. The work is hastening and to be part of that is incredible. To be part of this army of missionaries, not only those who wear name tags, but with members! I love being part of this army, and often, I get discouraged, then I remember that all over the world, my friends are doing similar things. And more importantly, I am reminded everyday that Heavenly Father is so involved in this work because it is His work, I am just His messenger. And like Nephi, I have been born to goodly parents, and I am grateful for them."We have been saved for these latter days, To build the kingdom in righteous ways. We hear the words our prophet declares:"Let each who's worthy go forth and share."
These words changed my life. It was an answer to my prayers in a way I was not expecting. Our beloved prophet said,"I am pleased to announce that effective immediately, all worthy and able young men who have graduated from high school or its equivalent, regardless of where they live, will have the option of being recommended for missionary service beginning at the age of 18, instead of age 19. . . .
As we have prayerfully pondered the age at which young men may begin their missionary service, we have also given consideration to the age at which a young woman might serve. Today I am pleased to announce that able, worthy young women who have the desire to serve may be recommended for missionary service beginning at age 19, instead of age 21."
Almost eighteen months ago, our prophet declared that each whose worthy should go forth and share. Thousands have answered the call, and as I serve with these worthy young men and women, I am honored and so grateful to build the kingdom. To those of you who recently got your calls, I love you. I am so excited for you to join me in this army. Heavenly Father has called you, to be yourself and change the world in the areas you have been called to serve in. To those of you who are not in a place where you can serve as full time missionaries, you have the same charge. We need you to reach out to those who you are thinking about and open your mouths. I promise that the words will come, they always do. Pray for yourself and for those you wish to share the gospel with, and He will provide opportunities and words.
"We know His plan, and we are prepared, Increase our knowledge through study and prayer. Daily we'll learn for now we are called, To take the gospel to all the world."
There is power in study and prayer. And daily is key. Studying daily increases our ability to fight Satan and to take this gospel. We do know His plan, and that plan involves all of us returning to live with Him as families. He is hastening this work, and it is not a temporary program. He has just begun the hastening and it will continue until our Savior comes again. You are prepared for the work He needs you to do. Study, pray, and then take the gospel to where you are called, be it Italy, Korea, Chile, Nebraska, North Carolina, Czech Republic, Guatemala, or to your neighbor, coworker,or family member. He has prepared you to share, as well as them to receive. Trust in that.
"We are as the army of Helaman. We have been taught in our youth. And we are now the Lord's missionaries, To bring the world his truth."
None of us is exempt from this. We are His missionaries. He has trusted us with His children. We have strength as full time missionaries and we are even stronger through members. We are His missionaries and we are bringing the world His truth. Are you ready? If you are not to the point where you feel you can open your mouth, pray. When I first came out here I told my companion that I wasn't sure how to do most anything missionaries do, but that I did know how to pray and that I would always be willing to pray. This is true for all of us. Prayers lead to miracles and missionary work is really just miracle work. Pray for the missionaries you know and especially in your area. Pray for them by name and ask them who they are teaching that you can pray for. They will be more then happy to provide names, I promise(: And, more importantly, they and those they teach will feel those prayers.The Lord has called a larger army of Helaman then ever before. To those just called, be excited. And be ready to wear this name tag and share what you know. It is exciting work. And with this call to go and wear a name tag comes the call for those who are not at home. Missionary work is best done through you. Reach out to your friends, open your mouth, pray and most importantly love everyone around you. Love is the principle behind this work. It is all about love. It starts and ends with the love Heavenly Father has for His children and He will bless you with that love. I love you all, go bring your corner of the world this truth of the Restoration.
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